Keep elephant trophy imports out of the United States!

  • van: Tim V
  • ontvanger: Keep current ban on imports of trophy elephants from entering US

United States President Donald J.Trump and US Fish and Wildlife Service recently wanted to make it legal again to bring elephant trophies back home to the United States and lift the current ban on imports of trophy elephants. The past Obama administration put a ban on this horrible activity back in 2014. In 2014 it was found that the hunts did not contribute to the survival of elephants.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service recently stated, "We have to kill elephants to save them." They believe allowing the import and killings of elephants is a good thing for conservation? Elephants are currently on the endangered species list.

After an outcry by the American people Donald Trump recently tweeted, "Put big game trophy decision on hold until such time as I review all conservation facts. Under study for years. Will update soon with Secretary Zinke. Thank you!"

I am asking for a petition for the President of the United States to not only put this ban on hold but not to allow trophy hunting of elephants or any animal based on endangered species list to be imported to the United States of America.

After the required signatures are obtained petition will be sent to White House and US Fish and Wildlife!

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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