Tell Tennessee: Do NOT rename "John Lewis Way" to "Donald Trump Boulevard!"

GOP lawmakers in Tennessee have introduced a bill to rename part of a street in Nashville – which is currently named after civil rights icon John Lewis – after Donald Trump. And if that wasn't enough of an insult, the bill was filed on the first day of Black History Month. 

This is completely ridiculous. The late, great Rep. John Lewis was rightfully honored with the renaming of this street in Nashville in 2020 for his long legacy as a civil rights activist. Donald Trump doesn't deserve any street named after him – let alone this one.  

We're letting these GOP lawmakers in Tennessee know exactly how we feel about their bill. Sign your name to tell them: DO NOT rename "John Lewis Way" after Donald Trump! >> 

Update #11 jaar geleden
Victory! Republicans have withdrawn the bill. Thank you for speaking out, and taking action!

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