PLEASE Zoo Owner Mohammed Oujda GIVE Up Your ANIMALS TO FOUR PAWS And Then Close The Zoo Forever !!!!

  • van: Ulrica Sjögren
  • ontvanger: Zoo Owner Mohammed Oujda And Mohammed Abu Safia the zoo's administrator

Zoo Owner Mohammed Oujda GIVE Up Your ANIMALS  At the South Jungle Zoo in Gaza TO FOUR PAWS And Then Close The Zoo Forever !!!!!!

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At the South Jungle, only one ostrich is alive out of the original six. The lions and the only llama died in December. There are no more crocodiles.

As a last resort, Mohammed has started to stuff the dead animals so he still has something left to exhibit.

The problems also stem from a lack of experience caring for animals.

In 2013, for instance, two lion cubs died shortly after birth because workers did not know how to care for them.

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PLEASE Zoo Owner Mohammed Oujda GIVE Up Your ANIMALS At South Jungle Zoo  TO FOUR PAWS And Then Close The Zoo Forever !!!!

Update #19 jaar geleden
For More Information go to FOUR PAWS Fb page - A FOUR PAWS team will be on the way to Gaza soon and help 2 Zoo's - The Khan Younis and the Rafah Zoos – two of the seven zoos that still exist in the Gaza strip -
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