Protect the Green-Haired Punk Turtle That Can Breathe Through Its Genitals!

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) just released a new list of the most vulnerable reptile species, and one species from the list quickly stole the hearts of people all over the world: a green-haired turtle that breathes through its genitals.

Unfortunately, Australia has no plan in place to protect this awesome turtle from extinction. Sign now to urge the government to protect the Mary river turtle now!

The Mary river turtle is a truly unique species for many reasons. The elusive turtle is one of Australia's largest turtles and is only found in the Mary river in Queensland. It can stay underwater for up to three days, using specialized glands in its posterior to breathe.

The turtles' green, spiky hair isn't their only unique physical feature - they also have two spikes on their chin, giving them an extra cool, punk rock look! These turtles are so interesting, it'd be a real shame for them to disappear!

Please sign this petition urging the Australian government to protect the Mary river turtle now!
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