No Intervention in the Afghan Election 2014

This action will pave the way for a free and fair and transparent Afghan Presidential Election 2014.  

(We, the people of Afghanistan, want to heartily thank you Mr. President, Hamid Karzai, for your 13 years of nonstop endeavors and handwork while leading the country towards economic development, peace and stability, democratization and the fulfilment of Human Rights.  Meanwhile, we urge you Mr. President to honestly support us in electing our next President through free and fair elections.  We request you not to interfere in the election and to prevent all kinds of intervention in it either by foreigners or by internal elements including the on-duty Government officials.)   

We, the people of Afghanistan, want to heartily thank you Mr. President, Hamid Karzai, for your 13 years of nonstop endeavors and handwork while leading the country towards economic development, peace and stability, democratization and the fulfilment of Human Rights.  Meanwhile, we urge you Mr. President to honestly support us in electing our next President through free and fair elections.  We request you not to interfere in the election and to prevent all kinds of intervention in it either by foreigners or by internal elements including the on-duty Government officials.   

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