Make money non-valuable

The issue is that the government today is destroying our home ,planet earth and if we don't do anything about it their will be no humanity left to witness they final days of it. 
How do we end polution,racism,every probelm you can think of?By taking the thing we like most, money.We need to make it meaningless,I dont have alot of hope in the government but i do have hope for humanity. Together we need to make a stand RIGHT NOW,before its too late to do it.And yes it might seem that you've heard this before but theirs something different Im going to do and that is, ending all issues .To have a better world.Lets make money nothing once and for all. And instead of just signing this petition ,actually go out their and make the difference right now,I dont care how old you are ,what race you are, you can do anything you beleive in,do whatever is best for humanity and don't be a political leader,be a hero.Sure it might seem scary at first but humanity has always overcomed fear and taken control of it,and if we did it once we can do it again. Dont be sacred of the unknow be happybits happening.

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petitie tekenen
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