Demand an End to Animal Cruelty in Del Rio!

Animal cruelty in Del Rio is out of control. There are hundreds of dumped and/or neglected dogs and cats. Animals that are supposed to be pets run up and down busy highways and are hit by cars. Individuals are looking for free dogs and cats to use as "bait" for dog fighting. Pets that are not spayed/neutered contribute to this problem by over populating, but owners can't afford to get their pets fixed. Dogs are left outside all day in the unbearable heat. This list can go on and on. The only local animal rescue is full. Animal control is always busy. The city of Del Rio needs to start holding pet owners accountable for their pets! Please sign this petition in hopes that the city of Del Rio will open its eyes to the horrendous problem of animal cruelty and neglect.

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petitie tekenen


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