The United Nation affiliated International Organisation for Animal Protection: OIPA in India along with People for Animals (PFA) Haryana with Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds, team of Commissioners Abhishek Kadyan, Mrs. Suman Malik Kadyan with Mrs. Sukanya Kadyan Berwal endorsed the public voice to restore the five freedoms of Bos Indicus cows and calves, introducing National Cow Protection Authority with Judicial powers, consisting of the following members, namely:
(a) Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry in the Ministry of Agriculture-Chairperson, ex-officio and
(b) Five persons of eminence in the fields of agricultural economics, animal welfare and ancient Indian history or culture - Members
(2) The Central Government shall appoint such number of officers and staff as it considers necessary for the function of the Authority.
(3) The salary and allowances payable to and other terms of conditions of service of members, officers and staff of the Authority shall be such as may be prescribed.
Functions of the Authority:
(1) The Authority shall discharge such functions as many be necessary to ensure stabilization of the cow population in the country and formulate a comprehensive policy for the purpose within one year after its constitution.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions as stated above, the functions of the Authority shall also include to:
(a) Undertake a baseline study to collect data about cow population and to formulate a Qualitative Cow Dignity Index (CDI) as may be prescribed which shall be completed within one year of setting up of the Authority.
(b) Formulate schemes to provide for healthy Bos Indicus cows and calves.
(c) Provide for funds to help incentivize adoption of cow and setting up Gowshalas / Infirmaries as per section 35 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
(d) Recommend to the Central Government, deterrent penalties including death penalty, to those who commit offences against cows and not follow the policies framed by the Authority.
(e) Frame syllabus for awareness about importance of cow protection and development all over the country, keeping in view section 9(k) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
(f) Conduct awareness campaigns about medical imperatives for improving health of Bos Indicus cows and progeny.
(g) Adopt and declare Bos Indicus Cow as National Cattle of India, regulating under section 10 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
(h) Recommend to the Central Government to delegate powers & authority under section 37 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 to all State Governments to constitute State Animal Welfare Board.
(i) Recommend to the Central Government to frame fast track courts, all offenses against animals should be cognizable and non bailable offense in legal terms.
(j) Recommend to the Central Government to introduce rules & regulation for Migratory Birds, Exotic species, Camel transportation along with the welfare rules & regulations for the Indian Police, Para Military & Indian Army animals & birds.
(k) Recommend to the Central Government to amend section 11(3) including feather chopping of birds as exempted activity.