Remove Nancy Grace from her position

  • van: Dylan Connell
  • ontvanger: Government and Television Networks

Nancy Grace has provided poor and misinformed information allbeit intentionally or not regarding Professional Wrestling since the Chris Benoit Murder Suicide in the summer of 2007.

Nancy Grace also has no respect for the families of those effected when in both instances shes jumped to instant, uneducated conclusions either witingly or unwitingly.

Below is the list of Wrestlers who can be seen on the report she provided with their actual cause of death

Owen Hart: Fell To His Death (Kemper Arena 1999)

Art Barr: Unknown (Possible Anuerism)

Rick Mcgraw: Placydil use and overdose

Buzz Sawyer: Long time party drug abuse

D.J Peterson: Motorcycle Crash

Von Erichs: Various Suicides

Gary Albright: Heart Failure from diabetes complications and weight issues

Big Dick Dudley: Kidney Failure

Pitbull #2:Fentanyl Overdose

Brady Boone: Automobile Accident

Mark Curits (Brian Hilderbrand) Cancer of the bowl

Public Enemies Johnny Grunge: Sleep Apnea complications

Billy Joe Travis: Heart Attack

Rick Rude: Heart Failure

Miss Elizebeth: Overdose

Joey Marella: Automobile Accident

Crash Holly: Suicidal Overdose

Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert: Heart Attack from pre-existing injury (Car Crash)

Chris Candido: Blood Clot and failed operation

Bobby Duncum Jr: Drug Overdose

Brian Pillman: Hereditary Heart Defect

Jerry Tuite (Wall): Drug Abuse history

Eddie Guerrero: Undiscovered heart defect

Of the Wrestler/Entertainers listed above 0% of them had a cause of death immediatley related to steroids, some however I am to believe did use them.

Nancy continues to talk about "Accusations" when infact her report came not ever a week after the death.

The only "accusations" being made where her and her television shows accusations.

An asian doctor then proceeds to make statements regarding steroids despite looking as if he has never exercised in his life, let alone used the substance.

He targets the "Cardiovascular system" and states it is "Really Bad" on it. Stating also that steroids can raise colesterol and blood pressure, enlarging the heart and causing arrhythmia and sudden deaths.

Wether or not these accusations are correct is a very wide topic of disccusion, however to put in perspective the amount of possible ways one could suffer all of the listed outcomes of health issues and death you would have only to look into basic daily activities that billions of people invest in regularly;

Fast Food

EMF radition

Toxic Waste and fumes

Cell Phone and Electronics

Cardiomegaly - Caused by High Blood Pressure or Coronary Heart Disease 

Deaths from this per year: 2.5 Million (2% of Total US Population)

Deaths Related to Listed Items Above: 99.99999%

Deaths Related to Steroid use: 0.00012% (or a total of 3)

Deaths related to steroids are normally due to poor hygine and or use of fake (not actual) steroids.

Despite being a very physicaly imposing man, "Warrior" was known to have very poor conditioning and would regularly be unable to compete in cardiovascular activity (In ring theatrics and competition) for more then five minutes.

This meaning that wether or not he took steroids he had a poor cardiovascular level of athletecisim and had sub par athletecision in general.

He simply had a great physique.

With this information I adivse you do your own research, all the research in the world however cannot prove or disprove that steroids where to result of Warrior's or any of the listed wrestlers untimley deaths, some of them may even have been timley, none of us know when our lives will end.

Below is a link to a documentary/film that is very informative and reffrences to other sources and abilities:

Bigger, Stronger, Faster by Chris Bell 

Please have Nancy Grace permenantly removed from her position at CNN, she has on two related occasions targeted wrestling which she deemed easy and abused her power.

This has to stop, to much information or misinformation is present on her show.

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