End Animal Cruelty in Factory Farming

  • van: Cameron Nace
  • ontvanger: The CEOs of the Top 50 Food Producing Companies

Animals who are raised for food consumption are treated horribly, often given far less than the most basic requirements of food, living space, or attention. They are expected to simply produce meat for us, yet are not allowed even the slightest happiness. Pigs, Calves and chickens are all kept in cages that only barely extend beyond their natural proportions. Animals raised for meat are not permitted to move, as this decreases the tenderness of the meat, while poultry are subjected to growth hormones which result in a bird whihc is not only too fat to fly, but so heavy that it can no longer wal, and often dies due to lung or heart failure, as a too small respiritory system tries to support an unnaturally large body. This would be unthinkable treatment to subject a person to, or even to treat a household pet such as a dog or cat this way would be considered a crime. Why then should we turn a blind eye now, so long as we can gorge ourselves on the product of cruelty? There is hope however. If enough people join the struggle, and enough people express their interest in stopping this abomination, then this petition shall be emailed to the heads of the top 50 Food Producing countries, as a visible demonstration of the need for them to change their ways. For if they do not care about their product, maybe they might care about their consumers.

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