Take Action on Global Warming
World attention is currently not enough to address the issue of climate change which is increasing year after year. All well-respected scientists agree that Global warming is happening, is a major threat to the well-being of the planet and is human caused.
The effects of climate change are developing so fast that later in our lifetimes, many of us will experience the effects much more severe than they are now. If nothing is done to control global warming and pollution, our children and grandchildren will have it much worse.
By stepping up efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution, we can safeguard millions of people, plants and animals in the near future and in future generations. Tell our governments and world leaders to take more swift action to replace polluting industries with greener technologies to ensure a healthy future for our planet.
Climate change is resulting in an increasing number of global deaths as well as significant losses to the global economy. If we don't make a bigger effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve the environment, many undesirable consequences could happen. An increased global effort to switch to greener, more environmentnally friendly technologies would reduce deadly pollution and keep global warming in check.
More progress needs to be made in developing renewable and low carbon energy sources, Carbon capture and storage, energy efficiency in buildings, consumer products and vehicles, as well as to slow deforestation worldwide.
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