Lawfare: Concerned petitioners urge fair treatment of political prisoner Reiner Fuellmich

  • van: Mary Scott
  • ontvanger: Lawyers; Activist; Concerned Citizens

Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich is receiving extremely harsh and atypical treatment from German officials while being held in German prison on criminal charges. German law enforcement is making an example of Fuellmich, apparently to deter others from speaking out to the world, as he did, about the abhorrent crimes against humanity that occurred during the COVID crisis worldwide. Fuellmich is being held indefinitely in solitary confinement to send a clear message to all who dare to expose the truth and exercise their right to free speech.

Another activist, Johanna Findeisen, has been in pre-trial detention since May 2023. According to credible sources, Findeisen has been tortured and subjected to physically invasive examinations. These unlawful behaviors remind the world about the similar persecution of whistleblower journalist Julian Assange who exposed secrets about illicit government activities.

The undersigned members of the international scientific, legal and advocacy communities condemn these inhumane acts, which cannot but remind the world of Germany's dark history in the World War II era.

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