In Canada? Dogs are being skinned alive and discarded at the dump!


    Recently our team traveled to a Sandy Bay First Nations reserve to help with the stray dog population. The community was welcoming and we worked together to save 51 stray dogs. It was a long, arduous trip filled with pain and heartbreak.

    The UN has declared that the conditions that some indigenous people live on in reserves in Canada are comparable to Third World country conditions. No clean water, high unemployment, inadequate housing and little access to quality healthcare and education.

    When people aren’t cared for, hopelessness ensues, as does abuse and cruelty. Few escape. Dogs are no exception.

    We usually do not post content like this, but we could not turn a blind eye. We are in shock that this type of cruelty is happening here. We received these photos and were told this is happening on a regular basis in Nunavut, Canada.

    Dogs are being skinned alive and discarded at the dump. We were told this happens daily. It is comparable to the dog meat trade in China. We rescue dogs from these situations but it is only a band-aid solution. There is no easy answer and we recognize that there is a bigger problem. For now, please help us by emailing our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and highlighting the cruelty that affects dogs when people are not given the opportunity to provide their families with the basic necessities of life.

    Join us in trying to stop this torture.
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