Keep two animals killers in jail for torturing, skinning and killing a dog and several cats.

  • van: Cathleen Titus
  • ontvanger: Judge Joe English 101 W. Main St . Suite 170 Nacogdoches TX 15961

"Mark Ainsworth" and "Delaney Walters" Skinned, tortured and killed 1 dog that we know about and 1 cat and 3 kittens.and probably more. These animal killers need to STAY in jail for years and not just get a slap on the wrist. This was a very horrible thing they did and they need to pay for it. If they like this kind of animal torture then they WILL NOT STOP. This has been proven over and over again. Please Judge keep them in jail and make them pay a huge fine so others may be afraid to do the same thing. Thank you Cathleen Titus and many others.

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