Time to be rid of ye ole shark

Why are holiday parks such as Disney insistent on  showing off hunted and dead animals in a way that encourages people to enjoy a scene that damages the viewpoint we have on the environment?
What we mean to say is that by showing dead animals as "trophies" only encourages children to accept as normal and acceptable an old fashioned concept of heroically going off into the wilderness and killing wild animals, cutting off fins and other fancies.
This encourages trophy hunting, is un-educational, and is one of the ugly faces that is mass extinction today.
It is unfortunate when 70million sharks are killed for their fins alone every year.
Do we really want to portray the hunting of endangered animals as ok? I ask the vast numbers of the Care2 community to sign this petition if they agree something can be done.
On behalf of the charity Blue Seas Protection and in association with the Friends of the Animals
Is it time to educate our children in a manner that is more ecologically sensitive, modern and collective?

Update #15 jaar geleden

Thankyou so much all of you for your signatures. Please do share and then once we have the 1000 signatures we can go to places like pirate cove on the Isle of Wight and make some changes.


Jasmin Eveleigh
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