Form International Special Forces Coalition to End Elephant/Rhino Slaughter

  • van: Robert King
  • ontvanger: Heads of State: Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, David Cameron, Francois Hollande and other Heads of State
Black market poachers are murdering elephants and rhinos for their tusks at the rate of one every 15 minutes. Central Africa has lost 64 percent of its elephants and poachers have killed over 100,000 elephants in just 3 years. Just in 2011, it is estimated that 1 in every 12 African elephants was murdered by poachers. The rate of slaughter is increasing and it is now certain that the African elephant will be extinct BEFORE 2025, and probably far less than 10 years from now.

For years, poachers have used AK47's with full metal jacketed bullets to cause the elephants to hemorrhage to death. But the poachers have learned that the rotting elephant carcasses draw vultures so these devils have started to poison entire elephant herds....including the babies, and along with the vultures, jackals, hyenas and whatever other wildlife may be attracted to the elephant carcasses. To finish the grisly job, the poachers return to the carcasses and chain saw the faces off the elephants that have tusks.

This inhumane, bloodthirsty wickedness is the most depraved desecration of wildlife in modern history. Yet, it continues to be tolerated by world heads of state and has been for more than the last decade.

It has been demonstrated that the tusks are moved up through Africa and sold on the black market to fuel terrorism. Joseph Kony, the sadistic, murdering devil is complicit with the Sudanese government in this elephant slaughter. At $1500 per pound, a 250 pound pair of tusks from a large African elephant can bring $375,000, and this money goes to support terrorism. It is shameful that heads of state have allowed this to go on as long as it has.

The time has come.

Less than two days ago, Roger Gowers, a wildlife conservationist and volunteer helicopter pilot was shot from the sky by an AK-47 wielding poacher and died Roger died on the ground before help arrived.

Mankind cannot tolerate this any longer. We must demand that all necessary lethal action be taken to stop the slaughter of our beloved elephants. We must do it now.
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