Class Act Marketing is in the works of trying to turn the graffiti covered walls of Ocean Beach, San Francisco into a public art space that can be painted by all. If you have ever visited Venice or Bolinas Beach you have seen that they have a succesful public art space where walls can be freely painted.
As a world class city known for its art, it is a shame San Francisco does not have ONE place where artists have a wall space they can legally paint. We can think of no better place than the public beach of Ocean Beach to offer a safe, convenient and fun place for all walks of life to create free works of art for the public to enjoy.
This concept is a win for everyone. It provides young street artists with a safe place for them to express themselves rather than turning to illegal graffiti. The number one reason most kids do illegal graffiti is because they lack a place to paint legally. The walls of Ocean Beach have been covered with ugly, illegal graffiti for years, so this program will stop wasteful spending of graffiti removal while also drawing thousands of SF residents and tourists alike to paint and view a public gallery in the beautiful setting of Ocean Beach. Please note* This wall would not be just for "graffiti artists", but for all artists alike.
We will be working with city officials, local arts commissions and community activists to implement this program in a safe, clean and effective way that will handle issues such as trash, safety and graffiti prevention.
Please sign this petition to get the ball rolling on making Ocean Beach San Francisco a public art space that will bring worldwide recognition to the City as a front runner in the arts!