Stop Eating Cats and Dogs: Stricter Animal Cruelty Laws

Eating dogs is a part of a country's and continent's culture in places such as parts of Africa, Asia, and Switzerland. In Siberia and Canada, in times of emergency dogs are eaten. Cats are consumed in countries like China, Korea, Peru and Switzerland, eating them is also a part of their culture.

While it is commonly known that it is legal to eat animals in other countries, it is now well know that eating animals is legal in 44 out of 50 states in America. The six states that prohibit dog and cat consumption are: Michigan, Virginia, California, Hawaii, New York, and Georgia.

It is illegal to sell cat and dog meat in a store, and to sell them in a restaurant, or to have them in a slaughterhouse but it is however legal for personal consumption, and you are permitted to invite others to eat with you.

Korean Jindo Dogs, these dogs are bred in Korea specifically for consumption, and it is happening as well in America. Typical dog and cat breading mills in America are very unsafe and the workers treat the animals cruelly. One case in 1994, a man was caught taking animals, killing them and selling their meat. All the punishment he saw was loss of his license to sell meat.

There is an obvious demand of these animals' meat and currently there is a bill being passed, which will prohibit the killing of cats and dogs for meat and will also prohibit selling and shipping them. The bill is named H.R. 1406, also known as the Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act of 2017

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