Get Better Mental Health Services & Justice For Shannon Williams

Shannon was 24 years old, from a small town in South Wales. She was kind, caring life and soul of the party. Sadly in November 2023 she took her own life. She leaves beind two children, family and friends.
Shannon reached out to NHS primary mental health services and recieved little help. Being left to struggle on her own in 2023 Shannon had reached a new low, she had tried numerous times to take her own life, ws taken to A&E and went without seeing any type of Mental Health Professional was sent to to yet again fed for herself.
The 10th November 2023 Shannon was found deceased in her home.

This is why we are doing this petition not only to get justice for Shannon but there also needs to better mental health care services in the UK, so many people are getting let down like Shannon was and resulting in them taking their own lives.

Wr are petitioning becuase we want everyone to be taken seriously, recieve the treatment that they deserve, and have a fighting chance to recover or manage their mental illness so that they can go on to live a happy life.

We want less waiting times, more communication, check ins while waiting for treatment becuase currently while you wait you have no calls.


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