Fix problem with stray dogs and cats all over the world!

  • van: Elena E.
  • ontvanger: The Animal Health and Animal Walfare Panel (AHAW)

Worldwide suffer stray dogs and cats because they've got no home, and no food either. People are complaining. There isn't enough help. Better laws are needed!
What can we do instead watching the population of poor cats and dogs grow further and further?

To fix this problem, we need to:
adopt stray cats and dogs
contact animal shelters to take care of some strays
share this information with other people to help the animals AND the environment

Less stray dogs and cats = less problems & more happy animals and people. Spay and neuter!

Help us! Show that you got your heart on the right place. Stop animal cruelty now!

Update #17 jaar geleden
We made it to almost 1000 signatures!
Thank you all for helping. It would be great if you could share this with your family and friends to reach the 10000 signatures, together!!
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