Stop Killing Homeless Animals and Lost Pets

  • van: Fred Dietrich
  • ontvanger: President Obama, Senators and Representatives of Congress, USDA, SPCA

Thousands of pets are euthanized DAILY throughout the World, often as required by local law or community mandates. Basic issue is cost to maintain animals in shelters, keep them fed and healthy until adopted. many of the community limits are 72 hours before they are required to euthanize the animals.

PETITION to have USDA budget increased to fund spay clinics and certified shelters to keep healthy animals for longer periods of time.
PETITION to Restrict or Limit local regulations from mass killing of stray animals.
PETITION to Promote Programs to Stop the Killing Worldwide

Stray Dogs Killed in Karachi

Sidney Boardman
Director USDA Missing Pet Network ...

You may have seen this already. Posted on Facebook (et al) on May 12, 2015.
Scene of hundreds of stray dogs shot or poisoned in Karachi, Pakistan.
Gruesome, but should promote action by activists in Rescue Missions and Humane Societies worldwide. Strong argument for spay programs.

Earlier story published on Feb 11, 2015 ... Many media outlets worldwide.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Thank you for your support of our Petition to STOP Killing Homeless and Lost Pets!!
We have almost 400 signees from all over the world!

PLEASE spread the word. Post the Petition link on your FB or other social page.
Post a note about it on any Blogs, Animal or Pet pages you are on.

Thank you!! HELP us get the loudest voice from people that care like you!
Stop Killing Homeless Animals and Lost Pets
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