Tell Congress: Don't Sabotage Elephant Conservation!

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: U.S Representatives

Right now, trophy hunters and their allies in Congress are fighting hard to stop the Obama Administration from ending the awful ivory trade once and for all. I need your help to stop them and save our beloved elephants!

African elephant populations have been the target for out of control ivory poaching that is driving these amazing pachyderms to the brink of extinction. In response to the crisis, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) has proposed new rules to protect elephants by dramatically restricting the import, export and commercial sale of ivory throughout the United States. 

Unfortunately, that's not the end of the story. Congressman Robert Whitman (R-VA) has introduced the so-called Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act of 2015 (H.R. 2406), which — if passed — would block the Obama Administration's efforts to end the ivory trade.

Help stop elephant poaching and the ivory trade to save the lives of these wonderful creatures — please sign and share this petition to urge your U.S. Representative to oppose H.R. 2406.

Dear Representative,

As someone who cares about saving elephants from extinction,  I urge you to oppose the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act of 2015 (H.R. 2406).

If passed, this bill would block recent efforts by the Obama Administration to end the ivory trade that is driving African elephants to the very brink of extinction.

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