
In response to the news that Dr. Dana Bedden might leave RPS for another district, we saw an amazing metro-wide effort to encourage him to stay. If you were one of the many that expressed your support and encouragement of Dr. Bedden, we thank you. It paid off – our innovative leader remains at the helm!

Now, however, is the time for us to put some action behind our supportive words. Dr. Bedden and the RPS School Board have put forward a proposal for the 2016 budget that will make many exciting changes possible through a thoughtful Academic Improvement Plan (AIP). But without Richmond City Council’s full financial support, Dr. Bedden’s plan will be limited.

Please sign the petition to encourage City Council to support the budget proposal of Dr. Bedden and the RPS School Board (to read the petition letter, click on "petition" above). We have the potential to see exciting change – but our children and schools need our support!

To the Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen of City Council,

This is an exciting time for Richmond City and her schools. Richmond citizens are experiencing renewed hope and vision for our schools, inspired by Superintendent Dana Bedden and his new leadership team. Their Academic Improvement Plan offers a way forward and holds promise for the education of Richmond's children.

We believe that the City should build on this important momentum and make a substantial investment in RPS now. We respectfully ask you to adopt a 2016 fiscal plan that incorporates full funding of the Richmond City School Board's proposal.

Without your support to substantially invest in RPS, the Academic Improvement Plan will stall and Richmond City students will miss a fair opportunity to learn. But with Mayoral, Council and School Board leaders working together, we have the capactiy to meet this challenge and see the children and future of our city flourish.

We stand ready to support you -- please act on behalf of our children!

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