Ban elephant riding in Bali

    Bali Zoo and tour companies on Bali are advertising elephant riding.

    Elephant riding is a cruel act and should immediately be banned.

    The chair saddles on the backs of elephants are extra weight that they can’t handle. The weight causes damage and sores to their backs.
    Sitting on an elephant’s back also causes spinal damage..
    Elephant trainers repeatedly hit the elephants on the head with bullhooks to control them.
    A bullhook is an iron or steel tool. It has a hammer on one side and a sharp hook on the other.
    Trainers force the elephants to ride in extremely hot conditions. The elephants flap their ears vigorously to cool down.
    Carrying heavy weight in extreme heat distress the elephants.

    All captive elephants are restrained and abused so that they can be controlled. They are taken away from their mothers when they are babies.
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    petitie tekenen
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