STOP the use of live animals as bait for greyhounds

  • van: Michael Taylor
  • ontvanger: Executive Officer of AGRA Howard Ashton

Live animals are being used as lures to train greyhounds.
Once caught they are savaged and mauled.

Pigs rabbits and possums are being tied to mechanical lures to be used as bait, and finally mauled to death in a bid to train or “blood” some of Australia’s most successful greyhounds.

And these are no back alley fly-by-night wanna be trainers – some of Australia’s most prominent trainers have been filmed, and as a result implicated in what boils down to some of the worst acts of animal cruelty in Australia.
How can such a highly regulated sport allow such wanton cruelty?
How can trainers that work with animals, treat other animals with such disdain?

Some of the footage caught on hidden camera’s was described as brutal and the most horrific ever seen.

How can this be allowed to happen? How was this allowed to get this far?

There are no regulations for the cruelty of mans heart, nor for what he would do to be successful. There should be no room for such heatless savagery in our sports – a sport where a trainer feels nothing of taking a baby possum from its mother to tie it down as live bait. But it is happening, and we need to stop it.

Punishment needs to be final and a clear message sent – no returning to the sport, or any other sports involving animals for the trainers involved. Regulations need to be clear and leave no ambiguity. AGRA- The Australian Greyhound racing association needs to act, and act fast. They need to show Australia that this will not be tolerated.

We implore you to defend defenceless animals being used in this sport you claim to love. We demand that this horrific practice is stopped forever and those involved never touch another animal again. We ask that regulations make it impossible to do this. To have random checks at training grounds and to maintain a higher standard of excellence. Remember these animals don’t have a voice. You need to be that voice. You need to show you care. You need to show you will not tolerate cruelty to animals.

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