Petition to Remove Governor Whitmer from Office

To: The People of Michigan and the Michigan State Legislature

Subject: Demand for the Removal of Governor Whitmer Due to Neglect and Mismanagement of Water Safety Issues

We, the undersigned, call for the immediate removal of Governor Whitmer from office due to her ongoing neglect and mismanagement of critical water safety issues affecting thousands of Michigan residents. The following points outline the severe concerns that necessitate this action:

38,000 People Without Clean Water: Currently, 38,000 residents are still without access to clean, safe water and are being continuously poisoned by the contaminated water supply. This ongoing crisis requires immediate action to prevent further harm. The Plainfield Township Municipal Water, Alpine Township & whoever else gets there water from plainfield township is sourced from rain collecting in a hazardous waste landfill, poses severe health risks. The contamination is compounded by the proximity of municipal well fields to a gas station with leaking underground tanks and other sources of pollution.

Free Testing: We demand the immediate provision of free chemical testing for water and blood to identify and monitor the presence of these harmful substances in our bodies and water supply.

Full Investigation and Frequent Testing: We call for a full investigation of the water company and mandate that water testing be conducted every three months by multiple independent entities. This testing must include all PFAS substances and replace the inadequate current practice of testing every three years. Instead of testing for a few we need to test for hundreds. PEOPLE DRINK THIS.

Zero Tolerance for Chemicals: We demand a zero-tolerance policy for chemicals in our drinking water. No level of contamination is acceptable, and immediate measures must be taken to ensure all drinking water is free from harmful substances.

Zero Tolerance for Chemical Dumping: We demand a zero-tolerance policy for dumping chemicals into the Grand River, with a $20 million fine for any violations. This level of pollution is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately.

Zero Tolerance for Water Company Poisoning: We demand a zero-tolerance policy for any water company poisoning people. Those responsible should face life imprisonment without parole and a $40 million fine. They must also cover all costs associated with the affected areas. This stringent measure is necessary to hold accountable those who endanger public health through their negligence and misconduct.

Lack of Transparency and Accountability: Governor Whitmer has failed to address these critical issues transparently, leaving residents uninformed and unable to make safe choices about their water consumption.

North Kent Sewage Discharge: The North Kent Sewage Discharge has been releasing PFAS-contaminated wastewater into the Grand River at concentrations exceeding 400 PPT, resulting in numerous violations, including improper sampling methods and failure to follow emergency response actions. This site is located right next to the proposed new well site location, further increasing the risk of water contamination.

Grand Rapids State Disposal: The Grand Rapids State Disposal, located near 4 Mile Road, continues to dump toxic substances into the Grand River, further degrading water quality and posing significant health risks to the community.

Versluis Lake Contamination: Versluis Lake, formerly known as the Grand Rapids Gravel Pit, is an EPA-listed Part 303(d) impaired water body contaminated with hazardous substances such as Trichloroethylene, 1,2-Dichloroethane, CIS-1,2-Dichloroethylene, 1,1-Dichloroethane, Xylene, Ethylbenzene, and Mercury. Despite these dangers, the township has encouraged families to swim in the lake and has even charged fees for access. Shockingly, there is still a drinking fountain connected to these contaminated wells that remains in use.

Governor Whitmer's failure to effectively manage these severe water safety issues demonstrates a profound neglect of her duties to protect the health and well-being of Michigan residents. We demand immediate action to address these concerns and hold those responsible accountable.

By signing this petition, we call on the Michigan State Legislature to take the necessary steps to remove Governor Whitmer from office and appoint a leader who will prioritize the safety and health of our communities.


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