Ensure Felony Animal Cruelty Charges for all forms of Animal Abuse With Strict Penalties in Texas

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Texas State Legislators

Current laws in Texas protect animals in various ways known as Civil laws and Criminal laws.  Each comes with different types of penalties and does not seem to protect all animals statewide.  Unless the laws, charges and penalties are strict enough to make an impact in protecting ALL animals, abuse, cruelty, neglect and abandonment will continue.  You can read more on the various Texas animal cruelty laws and their penalties at  http://faculty.smu.edu/jkazez/animal%20rights/texas%20animal%20cruelty%20statutes.htm, and https://www.animallaw.info/article/overview-texas-animal-cruelty-laws, along with nationwide animal cruelty laws at http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/PDF/AnimalCrueltyLaws.pdf.

Animals need more protection and it is the humans that can be their voice and protectors. What I propose is that any and all offenses against an animal be classified as a felony for first and subsequent offenses.  Penalties need to be stern and include such consequences as longer jail sentences, higher fees and possible acts of community service hours.  Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed.  Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty.  It should be common knowledge in present day that abusing any animal in any manner is cruel and unjust.  This is not a new issue and humans needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures.  The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings.  Provide stricter penalties against any human who commits an intentional form of animal abuse in any manner and give these defenseless creatures the protection they deserve.

The purpose of this petition is to urge the Texas State Legislators to implement tougher animal cruelty felony charges and penalties that will make an impact on anyone considering harming any animal.  You can support this issue by signing and sharing this petition, adding your ideas and comments in favor of such laws. 

Texas State Legislators – It is commendable that you are taking crucial steps in protecting animals but the laws seem to have much variance in protecting animals.  What I propose is that any and all offenses against an animal be classified as a felony for first and subsequent offenses.  Penalties need to be stern and include such consequences as longer jail sentences, higher fees and possible acts of community service hours.  Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed.  Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty.  It should be common knowledge in present day that abusing any animal in any manner is cruel and unjust.  This is not a new issue and humans needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures.  The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings.  Provide stricter penalties against any human who commits an intentional form of animal abuse in any manner and give these defenseless creatures the protection they deserve.

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