Say No to the Redistricting of the Barnegat School System

The Barnegat Board of Education wants to restructure its schools into two year programs up until High School primarily in an effort to "eliminate the stress" of Middle School.

By signing this petition I am saying NO to this redistricting plan for many reasons. I am concerned about the environmental stress and anxiety that will be imposed upon my child having to switch schools every two years. I am concerned about the lack of stability this plan provides for my child's sense of belonging and school spirit, I am concerned that the friendships my child has forged with classmates in smaller elementary school settings will be lost in a much larger setting with a larger grade level population.

As a taxpayer, I am concerned with the cost of transportation for these changes and the stress that will be inflicted upon my child having to spend an extended and unspecified amount of time traveling to and from a school that is further away from home.

We propose that the Barnegat School District be left intact the way it is now and any consideration of redistricting be put on a referendum during a future Township election so that the tax payers of Barnegat Township can help decide what is in the best interest of their children.

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