Demand the Australian Government Takes Action to Save the Wild Rivers of the Blue Mountains

  • van: Georgina B
  • ontvanger: Federal Federal Environment Minister, Josh Frydenberg

The World Heritage-listed Blue Mountains of Australia are subject to some of the worst environmental pollution in the world, according to a report on

The cause - operators of an underground coal mine have been allowed to discharge mine waste into the Wollangambe River under its environmental licence.

It's been going on since the 1980's - and it's time to stop.

The report states: "Scientists have discovered pollution not just at the discharge point, but 22 kilometres downstream, right in the heart of the World Heritage-listed area."

"Scientists discovered high levels of salt and metals like nickel and zinc when they compared the river downstream of the discharge point to tributaries and waterways located metres away, as well as the river above the discharge point."

It's time for action! Please sign and share the petition to demand the Australian Government bans any licences that permit the pollution of the environment.

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