Be Heard. Do Not Change The name Of ME to Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease.
As we now know the institute of medicine wants to change the official name from ME ( Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ) to systemic exertion intolerance disease. Now I know that the majority of us do not want them to change the name to that, as it will seriously make it allot harder for us, it will make it impossible for anyone,Drs and the General public alike to take us seriously. Most of us have had extensive experience with people, Drs and the general public alike not understanding what ME really is, and the reality of life with ME, also most of us have had people who do not believe that ME is a real illness, even now some Drs believe that ME is a purely psychological illness. This new name is going to make things ten times harder for those of us living with this illness. it just reinforces the stereotype that people with ME just get tired, and if we exercise or do allot of strenuous activity that, that will make us tired. when the reality is that it is so much worse than that, for allot of us even small amounts of activity and every day normal things are hard if not impossible. it is so much more than just being tired or tiring easily, exhaustion is not our only symptom, although we all experience ME differently there are several symptoms which are common for us all to experience at varying levels, our symptoms include nausea, dizziness, brain fog, memory issues, bowel problems, abdominal, back , joint and nerve pain and more. we have to get the message out that ME is so much more than people who just get tired or get tired when they do any exercise or strenuous activity. it is the name change we oppose. allot more thought needs to be given in to the name of our illness, some would prefer the name to be kept ME but if you must change the name please please give us a name which will not make it harder us to be taken seriously. We have to act and act NOW. Please sign this petition Be heard , let them know that this new name is not acceptable.
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