Sign the Mining Uranium Near the Grand Canyon is Unsafe, Uneconomic, and Unnecessary Petition
Mining uranium near the Grand Canyon is unsafe, uneconomic, and unnecessary.
The Grand Canyon is sacred to many Native American tribes and cherished by all Americans, but Canadian company Energy Fuels is jeopardizing this national treasure by mining uranium for private profit, threatening the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River with permanent radiological contamination.
Even though the Secretary of the Interior issued a 20-year ban in 2012 on all new uranium claims around Grand Canyon National Park, mines that opened prior to that decision continue to operate based on outdated permits and obsolete environmental reviews, with plans of operations more than 30 years old.
We are asking federal agencies to protect the Grand Canyon by making four changes to their current rules:
1. Time-limits on Mine Permits
Limit the duration of approved plans of operations to 20 years, with the option to apply for 20-year renewals.
2. Updated Environmental Review
Require supplemental review under the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and the Endangered Species Act as well as a new approval for any mining operation that has been inoperative for ten or more consecutive years.
3. Inspections and Full Disclosure
Require BLM and the Forest Service to regularly inspect mining operations, and mining operators to regularly gather and disclose information regarding the status and conditions of those operations, during non-operational periods.
4. Groundwater Monitoring and Real Deadlines
Impose deadlines for beginning and completing reclamation activities once a mining operation ceases and impose long-term monitoring requirements for surface water and groundwater quality.
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