Enable Black Britons the Opportunity to Resettle in the Caribbean

This is to implement a future programme to allow the disaffected Afro-Caribbean minority "compensated repatriation" to start a new life in their once-colonial homes - the Caribbean. Such a programme would be essential for this minority owing to the problems we are facing in modern Britain - both culturally and on a street level.

We have the knife-crime epidemic which people will only focus on the predominant black victims and not the ethnicity of the actual knife culprits. Other street crime such as muggings are nearly always the deed of black or mixed-races while the victims are commonly white or Asian. Then there is the defiling of white (or Asian) women creating a legacy of single mothers of mixed-race youth with a propensity towards degeneracy and further street crime.

Culturally we have been overrun on the streets and in the media where black people are over-represented, particularly in advertising, while all white and Asian youth now speak Jamaican.

We are free to condemn other communities such as the Pakistani (Muslim) grooming gangs but it appears the 'Afro'-black minority are untouchable and quite dangerous to criticise. The purpose of this petition is to bravely lift that taboo and identify what is really happening in modern Britain. A repatriation effort purely for this minority would alleviate many problems experienced both by our population and by the black community themselves.

It is NOT in the interests of this initiative to be racist in any way, just pointing out essential facts and bravely suggest a remedy to enable us all a way forward.

Realist NOT racist.

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