Stop PeTA From Supporting Their Own Animal Abuse

PeTA proclaims to be there for the animals, raising millions each year. They awarded Steve-O a top honor award for the for supporting the humane treatment of animals, yet on his new TV show he uses animals of all kinds for his stunt to make millions as a TV show host on Killer Karaoke. Putting Snakes that require extreme warm weather and temperatures into ice cold water, having people walk across scorpions, taranchula, and alligators. Any business that runs an ad on TV using animals, PeTA is the first to launch a nationwide attack that using animals in commercials, movies or ad campaigns is exploiting animals. So why is it ok for the top spokes person to exploit and put at risk animals health for the sole reason of profiting off of animals?

The hypocrisy must stop in the animal industry. Your either for it or against it. You cannot have it both ways. This should go to tell you how PeTA along with other animal rights groups think they are above what they preach.

Big Cat Rescue is one of the worst. They don't want big cats on exhibits at zoos or in private homes, but yet it is fine for them to be open to the public and charge people to see their big cats. This is all about who wants to make money on animals and who wants to corner the market on using animals by not allowing anyone else to. This all has to be stopped, the lies, the scam and the fraud using animal welfare as a cover. 

Please help stop the lies

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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