Demand that French authorities protect child refugees from rape

  • van: Frances Donnelly
  • ontvanger: The Juge d'Instruction, Défenseur des Droits and the Juge des Enfants

Several children and teenagers have been raped in the Calais refugee camp in the last year. Several young victims received physical medical attention including stitches, but none received formal care or support from authorities. There is nothing in place to stop these crimes occurring. These minors need immediate protection. Please sign this petition to demand that child refugees living in unstable conditions are given access to appropriate safeguarding, legal support and care by the French authorities. 

I have heard first-hand accounts of volunteers who try to deal with the assaults being unable to get help from the local police. This reflects a systemic disinterest in the welfare of these vulnerable children. Please sign this petition to tell the French authorities that child refugees are human beings, and that their vulnerability and suffering needs to be taken as seriously as that of any other child.

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