Charge Owner who Chained Dog to Tree and Beat to Death with Hammer

Perryville Missouri - Benny the Chocolate Lab was chained to a tree and nearly beaten to death with a hammer after chasing a car in rural Missouri. The owner himself thought he'd killed the dog, but St Louis Fox2 News reports how gruesome the dogs injuries are and unbelievable that he survived. Perry County Sheriff Gary Schaaf refutes the owner's claim of self-defense and called the Local Animal Rescue group to help Benny. A Representative from this group reported that the owner himself stated he had "flipped out, took the dog out to the woods, chained the dog to a tree, stood on the chain, and thought he was going to kill him, thought he had killed him, but he knocked him out, so he walked away”. Sheriff Gary Schaaf goes on to state that since there was no evidence in the case, there will likely be no charges. BUT THE CONTINUED CONCERN IS THIS: as the Sheriff adds, Perry County "just passes on this all the time…right now, it’s just free reign. If you don’t like that animal, do whatever you want.” IT'S TIME TO PUT AN END TO ANIMAL ABUSE IN PERRY COUNTY!!!!
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