Demand Justice for Dexter the Pit Bull

  • van: Denise C
  • ontvanger: District Court Judge Dennis Wiley, Honorary John M. Donahue, Presiding Judge, Honorary Gary J. Bruce, Chief Judge
Dexter, a three year old Pit Bull was in his own yard in Berrien County Michigan on August 23rd 2017. A neighbor came into the yard and attempted to untie Dexter and take him into her own yard. She then claimed that Dexter attacked her, her son and her puppy. However, there were no traces of blood or signs of a fight on Dexter. He has been sentenced to death by Berrien County District Court Judge Dennis Wiley who has been disciplined in the past for DUI charges, abuse and misuse of power, racism and overly harsh sentencing. Dexter is not getting a fair trial at the hands of Judge Wiley. We demand Dexter be set free and returned to his family. There is absolutely no evidence that Dexter is guilty yet he is sentenced to be killed in 15 days at his owner's expense.
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