END Breed Specific Legislation in Westwood KS !

Lift Westwood Pit bull Ban

Why you should sign the petition

1. The attacks you see on the news that says the dog is a Pit bull or Presa Canario are not always right, the dog just needs to have a boxy head and short hair and the media makes you believe these dogs are vicious but it’s all about the owner not the breed
2. We need to show that Pit bulls and Presa Canarios are not naturally born aggressive if they are aggressive it’s the owners fault, if they have great owners they will be great dogs
3. It will show that these dogs are not just for gangs and drug dealers

The thing is, is that a golden retriever or Labrador could be just as aggressive. If an owner kicked and taunted any dog, the dog will be aggressive, no matter the breed. The city can enforce a law that requires dogs to be spayed, neutered and receive proper training. Now if you are a dog lover, a true dog lover, then you know that the breed does not matter, it is all about the owner but really if you think about from your prospective then you might understand, for those of you who are not dog owners. So let’s say you are a dog for a minute and your owner starves you and kicks you and taunts you and leaves you outside for weeks maybe even months on end and you are not spayed or neutered so you also have hormones going crazy so you imagine that if you escaped you would go berserk. But if an owner has no reason to mistreat a dog and gives it love and food and shelter and hugs and kisses then you the dog would have no reason to be upset and be a loving dog. But I would just really like to say that if you trust the citizens of Westwood and believe
That they would be responsible and they treat their dogs well then you would lift the ban because the breed does not matter if you are going to ban anything ban bad owners not the breed. Westwood is the last place on earth where there would be gangs and drug dealers and believe it or not lawyers and people with good educations also have the dogs that you are saying no to in Westwood and by lifting this ban you are saying come on in to our community we are all about responsible owners and we do not allow BSL in Westwood.

Update #110 jaar geleden
We need as many votes as possible!!
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