Support Lou from being unfairly labeled!

    Louis my dog was recently in a situation where he got excited about a visitor. A lady and her 2 children at the shop were getting a quick battery change by my dad while I was just getting there to start a project. Louis was leashed up off to the side and the lady was told even though he is nice, now is not the time for a visit and the battery change would be quick and it would be best for her kids to stay in the car and not insist on approaching the dog. The guardian at first complied but then was negligent when her kids got out of the car after being told no 3 times by everyone involved. The guardian was not paying attention and the kids ran over to the dog without her or anyone's permission. When I saw this I made Louis sit down which he did right away. The kids went face first into him and in his excitement and their non-compliance one of the children obtained a cut below the eye. The guardian realized her mistakes and that of the mistakes of the children and seemed like she knew she messed up and so did the kids and was certain he was of no risk or harm and that it wasn't his fault or mine. Well 1 month later she decided to change her tune and come after Louis and I and has completely fabricated a lie about what happened that day.
    Please note I am not asking you to have an opinion on the subject but to sign this petition if you have ever come into contact with Louis and I or even Louis and one of my friends who were dog sitting and have the proper explanation/description of what kind of dog Louis is and always has been from your experience. Please Help Me Help Lou! He is not vicious! He is not dangerous! As well as I am a very loving, caring, responsible and knowledgeable owner of him. If you agree, please sign and pass along as this is of pertinent importance to me and Lou! All Love Everyone and Thank You!
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