LET OUR LYNX LIVE - NO to unregulated license hunting 2019 !

  • van: Revolution Rov
  • ontvanger: Participating county administrative boards Environmental Protection Agency Registrator@regeringen.se European Commission Directorate-General for Environment Belgium Karmenu Vella The Swedish Ministry of the Environment
The EU does not allow hunting of endangered or vulnerable species according to its species and habitat directive. On the list of protected animals, the Swedish lynx stands at the level vulnerable. Our Swedish Lynx tribe consists of only about 1200 individuals and yet the Government and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency believe that it's okay for the lynx to be hunted again…?!

From March 1 to March 31, or until the county administrative boards cancel the hunt, the 1279 hunters (of which 261 foreign?!) who signed up for this license hunt for locomotives at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency will therefore go out into our forests after our peace-loving and red-listed lynx.

The lynx and all other animals and plants interact in a healthy nature. In nature, all things balance and many other species benefit. The lynx is a well-established condition for biodiversity in Sweden. For a long time in our history, our lynx has been exposed to very high hunting pressure in Sweden, which has led to them being close to extinction at certain times. 

The rescue has then been that they have been protected and that hunting has declined, which had the effect of allowing the tribe to slowly recover.

Since the hunters can keep the skin of their fallen animals, the whole thing can be interpreted as a pure trophy hunting, an incarnate proof of a successful hunt, which with the authorities' approval is carried out with extremely brutal hunting methods.

The lynx may, for example, be tracked by motor vehicles, such as scooters ?!

From March 1st - August 20th (paragraph 16 of the Act on the Supervision of Dogs and Cats) dogs should be prevented from running loose where there is game. The purpose of the team is to protect the wild animals during the most sensitive time when the animals get their young.

Even though no dogs are allowed to run loose in forest and land during nature's mating and nursery time, the hunters under the license hunt for lynx may have up to two hunting dogs hunting for a lynx for a whole day ?! 
Hunting dogs are often equipped with GPS transmitters and cameras so that the hunters know exactly where they are when it considers time to shoot. Remarkable.

The mating season for lynx begins at the end of February and continues in March. This is exactly when the license hunt begins. It is illegal to disturb animals during their mating season, according to section 4 of the Art. At the time of the hunt for licenses, the previous year's youngsters are still dependent on their mother ... and the mothers are being shot, meaning the consequences of the hunt being that the species will decrease even more, because some kids then lose their mother and therefore will die of starvation.

Measures that make it difficult for the Lynx population, such as the license hunt, mean that the possibility of favorable conservation status cannot be implemented.

It is of great importance that the Swedish lynx hunt is stopped immediately!
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