Prosecute Caitlin's tormentor to the full extent of the law!

  • van: Patte R
  • ontvanger: North Charleston police and South Carolina State Attorney General

Caitlin is a 15-month-old pit bull found in North Charleston, South Carolina on Wednesday morning with her mouth taped shut.

The tape, which may have been there for as long as two days before Caitlin was discovered, was so tight that it cut off circulation to the dog's tongue. It wasn't clear at first whether she would live. A portion if not all of her tongue may need to be amputated.

Dr. Lucy Fuller, veterinarian for the Charleston Animal Society, which assumed Caitlin's care, said in a statement on Thursday that the dog's condition was "critical, and her prognosis is guarded."
ABC News reported that Caitlin's former owners, a couple who remains anonymous, sold Caitlin for $10 on Memorial Day, two days before she was found with her mouth bound up in tape.

The couple told ABC that they had to give the dog away because she was energetic and destructive, and they feared eviction, but they are aghast at the result.

Read on:

Update #29 jaar geleden
Great news, Caitlyn - all of 15 months old - is expected to make a full recovery!

Her tormentor, William Leonard Dodson, was arrested, a $50,000 bond has been issued.

Thank you everyone for your support, please keep it coming until the abuser is punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Update #19 jaar geleden
Thank you for your support of Caitlyn, the dog whose muzzle had been taped shut.

Great news - her tormentor, 41-year-old William Leonard Dodson of North Charleston, SC, has been arrested on a charge of animal torture.

Let's keep collecting signatures to petition for Dodson's punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

Thank you!

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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