• van: Ella Logan
  • ontvanger: Governor of New Hampshire, John Lynch; New Hampshire Senate, John Gallus, State Represenative, Duffy Daugherty, State Representative, Laurence M. Rappaport

Please view the letter below to the state representatives of New Hampshire explaining why I  feel the need to speak up. My single voice cannot be heard alone, so I ask you all to take a moment and sign and share this petition. Once we have reached the goal anticipated, I will personally take the ending results to one of these representatives in hopes to get started on banning the barbaric act of bear baiting in the state of New Hampshire. 

Thank you,

Ella Logan

John Lynch, Governor of New Hampshire
Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH  03301
(603) 271-2121
(603) 271-7640 (fax)

John Gallus
New Hampshire Senate
292 Prospect Street
Berlin, NH 03570
(603) 752-1066 or (603) 271-3077

Duffy Daugherty
98 Harvey Swell Road
Colebrook,  NH  03576-3424
Phone: (603) 728-8635

Laurence M. Rappaport
PO Box 158
Colebrook,  NH  03576-0158
Phone: (603) 237-4429

Dear Representatives,

I am appalled to hear that the cruel act of bear baiting is still legal and happening in New Hampshire. Bear baiting involves the hunter setting out jelly doughnuts, cooking grease, honey, stale pizza or a 55-gallon drum of rotting fish in bear habitat to train, lure and attract the bears to come feed at these "stations." Once the season to shoot opens, all the hunter does is sit in a tree above the barrel and wait for the bear to come feed, then he shoots and kills. Hounds are also used to chase and tree the bear until the hunters arrive and shoot the bear until the bear falls to his/her death on the ground. The bear does not stand a chance with either of these methods. I do not understand how this can considered fair, hunting or acceptable in the state of New Hampshire, as well as, 9 other states - (10 if you include Arkansas as this is legal on privately owned properties). 

I am writing to ask that you use your influence as Governor, State Senate and State Representatives of New Hampshire to see that this heinous act of trickery or entrapment is put to rest and made illegal. These bears need concerned advocates to speak in their favor and stand up for what is right. Turning a blind eye to the truth of this barbaric act does not cease the reality of its existence.

Thank you for your time and consideration to ban this activity. 


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