UW-Madison - Stop the horrible brain experiments on cats

I was appalled to learn of these acts of cruelty being performed on  helpless , trusting cats . According to documents obtained by PETA, a cat named Double Trouble had her eyes, ears, and brain operated on. Steel coils were implanted into her eyes and a stainless steel post was screwed into her skull so that her head could be immobilized during experiments. Then, she had holes drilled into her skull so that electrodes could be inserted in her brain. Experimenters then applied atoxic substance to her inner ears to deafen her and electrical implants were placed deep inside both of her ears.

UW's rationale for this torture is to improve the design of hearing aids . In fact , they have been doing this for 30 years and proud of it.....again....they are proud of animal cruelty.

Animal testing may help with the groundwork for curing diseases, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that animals are still suffering. It is cruel and immoral. There are other ways scientists can gather information to build upon. 

I am hearing impaired and wear a hearing aide. Every day I will be reminded of these experiments.

Please sign my petition asking University of Wisconsin to stop all experiments on cats.

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