Animal testing
What is animal testing?
Animal testing is scientific experimentation or tests where a living animal is forced to be experimented on. When experimented on it is likely to cause this animal distress, harm, suffering and torture. The experiments which are done on these innocent creatures are brutal. The experiments test how effective all sorts of products are and how the human body works. Animal testing has been carried out since the 500BC due to human and environmental needs.
The animal experiments that are carried out;
Animal suffering
The animals that are used for animal testing are locked away without any control over any aspect of their life. They are not able to have any self control. They have not caused any harm so they should not deserve to be imprisoned. No animals are safe from this atrocious experimentation. Inside of these laboratories is deprivation, misery, torture and isolation. These animals do not get a glimpse of the outside world. Often inside of these laboratories they see other animals killed right in front of them. Just in the U.S in one year over 100 million animals are killed due to these experiments and tests. If it is this high in the U.S imagine how high the number will be over the entire world. On top of all the deprivation the experiments are the worse. The U.S law allows the animals to be: burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs and also brain damaged. However this is not the end of the suffering. After enduring these painful, horrifying procedures these animals are then shoved into the back of a cage with no pain relievers. There is terrible video footage where animals cower in fear when someone walks past their cage not knowing whether they will be taken away for experimentation, which they may never return from. All of these animals long to be free but are stuck within these 'prison cells'. After they suffer their whole life in pain, loneliness, terror and anguish almost all of these animals are killed for our human needs.
What animals are used in animal testing?
In many countries different animals and species are used. But these are the most popular ones: mice, rabbit, fish, rats, reptiles, amphibians, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, mini-pigs, monkeys and chimpanzees. All of these animals are locked up in cages wondering if they will ever see the outside world again.
My opinion whether animal testing should be banned
Personally, I think that it is wrong to let animals suffer detriments to their health as there are alternatives. These animals have a brain and a heart just the same as us, however people still continue to torture and make them suffer just for our products. Even though, we don't need to. It is very pointless to test on animals as after they test on them for a product they then need to do a human trial. Also, you do not know for sure that if it is safe for them, that it is safe for us, if it reacts on them it may not react on us. Why should animals have to go through living hell, pain, death and torture even though it is for human needs? In my opinion, I believe that criminals that have murdered people should have products tested on them, not animals, they are victims. The animals' humane life is not prioritised. These animals have feelings and are completely innocent. Animals are not able to say no so they are imprisoned with no way to escape because we can't understand them. In silence these animals suffer and in loneliness these animals die. Their systems are different to ours this is why 92% of the products that are tested on animals fail on humans. They want to live just like we do. We are all basically the same. Testing on animals gives faulty results.
You can't accurately apply the results to humans. How comes human get superiority and we are not allowed to be tested on because of our rights. However, animals have rights so why can't we stick up for their rights. Animals and humans should be treated equally. Animal testing should not be allowed in the law. Just because something is legal it doesn't mean it is right. Just because we are not the same as animals don't mean that we should kill and mistreat them. Animals have souls just like us. The testing will affect their mental state. If we are making products for ourselves we should test on our self. Any new drug has to be tested von at least two different species of live mammal even though animals react differently compared to humans. Lots of substances that are tested on animals may never be used for anything useful. Meaning, animals are being harmed for no reason. If there is a success in animal experimentation it does not mean it will be a success in humans. These laboratories use animals which are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act. If there is alternative testing which will not harm any living creature why can we not replace it with animal testing? Plenty of animal's lives are wasted for no need. Why is it okay to let animals suffer because we don't allow humans to suffer?
What things are tested on animals?
Please stop animal testing.Everyone has a voice. Everyone should be heard.
By Danielle, aged 12
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