Support Live Music at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre In Montford

Show your support for live music and the Montford Park Players at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre!

*Please include your address so we can accurately represent support from the Montford neighborhood and surrounding communities in the greater Asheville area*

Brief History of Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre

For 50 years, Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre has been home to the Montford Park Players; a non-profit theatre organization and North Carolina's longest running Shakespeare company, providing exceptional dramatic entertainment for the enrichment, education, and enjoyment of the community, free of charge.  

In 2018, the venue began collaborating with Plugged-In Productions, a small independently owned production company founded in Asheville. The two organizations share similar missions and both recognized an opportunity to bring live music to the community at the city's one and only amphitheatre. 

Location, Community & Non-Profit Benefits from Live Music

Located in Asheville's Montford Neighborhood, concerts held at the amphitheatre not only raise funds for the Montford Park Players, they also contribute significantly to the local economy, and enrich the lives of Montford residents and the surrounding communities in Asheville and Western North Carolina. During Plugged-In Production's first official full year of events in 2021, concerts at the amphitheatre contributed over $750,000 to the City of Asheville's local businesses and economy.   

Every concert ticket purchased and each concession item sold during a Plugged-In Productions live music event at the amphitheatre directly supports Montford Park Players' mission, staff, and helps fund future venue upgrades.

Concerts with a Cause

The live music events held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre have been a tremendous success and have brought in world class music, supported local artists, created much needed jobs, and provided the community with a special place to enjoy music. Critical to the emotional, social, and financial wellbeing of the community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, funds raised from the concerts have allowed the amphitheatre to keep its figurative doors open while other venues struggled or shut down altogether. 

As part of the venue's commitment toward the betterment of the Asheville community, concert event staff consists largely of local service industry professionals still recovering from the brutal financial impacts of the pandemic. 

Collaboration and Compliance 

We are sensitive to the fact that our operations have an impact on our neighbors. We are committed to working with residents and city officials to ensure our ability to provide our community with exceptionally curated musical talent and the associated benefits continues into the future.

What Can You Do?

Please confirm your support for the arts, music, and Asheville's need for a premier outdoor music venue at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre by signing and sharing the petition.

*Please be sure to include your local address and zip code so we can accurately represent support from the Montford neighborhood and communities in the greater Asheville area.*

This is Asheville's one and only natural amphitheatre located in the heart of the City. The location is scenic and convenient with natural acoustics and clear sight lines for all. 

Live music adds value to the Montford neighborhood, Asheville at large, and enriches the lives of all who attend.  

About Us

Plugged-In Productions is a full service production and promotions company specializing in live music and creative arts performances.  We are a locally engaged and community driven organization based in Asheville, NC. Our passion is to share the life enriching experiences live music can provide to artists and attendees alike. 

Connect with us on social media @hazelrobamp and @pluggedintunes 

Our Mission 

To enrich and unite the lives of all through invaluable live music experiences, creative arts, and community engagement.

Update #13 jaar geleden
Dear Supporters,

City officials are attempting to shut us down! The future of live music here is now in serious jeopardy and we need your help again. The time has come to show our City officials that we will not let the voices of a few outweigh the will of many!

Please take a few minutes to send an email to our elected City leaders to ensure your voice of support is heard. We have template emails linked and ready for you to send at:

Please act now!
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