New Jersey Legislature proposed Bill A5231 that will disband the NJ State SPCA Law Enforcement Division. This department has operated for 150 years at no expense to tax payers. It consists of 60 law enforcement personnel who volunteer their time and money to save animals and prosecute the abusers. All have been trained at the county police academies and commissioned by state police. All have paid for their training and uniforms. The state of New Jersey mandates this service but refuses to fund it. Without funding, this service can only be performed by professional volunteers. The bill#A5321 wants to disband the department while proposing millions of dollars in tax hikes and funneling the money and extra responsibility to local police departments who have already expressed their current resources are spread thin. They just don't have the manpower. The professional personnel of the NJ SPCA do this job with love in their hearts for the animals. They are well-trained and committed. The disbanding of the NJ SPCA will not only increase taxes but will also compromise the welfare of the animals and the safety of the community. 

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