Demand Justice for Lhasa Apso Raped by Fidel Lopez

  • van: Terri D
  • ontvanger: Oregon authorities

A Portland, OR man has admitted to an atrocious case of animal abuse after raping his girlfriend's little Lhasa Apso mix named Estrella. The precious baby had to be euthanized due to the horrific internal injuries inflicted during the vicious attack.

Fidel Lopez admitted to drinking while laying in bed with the pup. He became enraged when he could not reach his girlfriend and raped the dog out of spite.

The girlfriend arrived home to find the dog whining and hiding under a couch. She discovered bleeding and other injuries and immediately rushed her baby to an Emergency Vet. The injuries were too severe and Estrella had to be euthanized. A following necropsy detected Lopez's DNA inside the little dog.

This dirtbag needs to be punished to the full extent of the law. Let's put him away where he may encounter the same type of abuse he inflicted on Estrella.

RIP little girl. 😓🐾❤️🐾❤️💫

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