Tell the US To Stop Classifying Military Dogs As 'Equipment' & Leaving them Behind!

  • van: Sean Maddox
  • ontvanger: Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel

Did you know military dogs are classified as "equipment," meaning soldiers can leave them behind in times of war? No soldier should ever be left behind -- and neither should a dog.

Please sign the petition to ask our representatives to reintroduce legislation to reclassify dogs from equipment to members of the armed services!

A bill called the Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act was introduced in 2012 to change the dogs' classification and ensure they go to a shelter after service. The law was referred to the Committee on Armed Forces, where it has stagnated.

A version of the bill was then attached to the NDAA in 2013. After being signed by the president, it ensured retired military dogs are guaranteed transportation and vet care so they can have the chance at a good home after returning to the U.S. from their deployments. But the part that would require the dogs to be classified as service members and not equipment was left out, keeping many problems intact.

Co-sponsors of the bill, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), vow to reintroduce the legislation in Congress soon, and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has the authority to reclassify. Please sign my petition to ask our representatives to reintroduce the military dog classification issue ASAP!

We owe these loyal dogs a lifetime of care & protection. They ARE American soldiers and have saved countless lives. Bring them home. They are mankind's best friend and should be treated as such. What have we become if we turn our backs on them? What kind of man could leave their dog behind? Please help me stop this!

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel,

We the undersigned urge you to reintroduce a measure in Congress to declassify military dogs as "equipment" and instead classify them as the service members they are. Dogs do not deserve to be left behind in warzones!
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