Purina, Land O' Lakes and Chris Policinski - please support animal rescues and not just breeders!

  • van: Susan Hudgens
  • ontvanger: Purina, Land O' Lakes, Chris Polcinski, CEO of Land O' Lakes

I work for an animal shelter in TN, and today I learned some upsetting news about Purina.  They allow animal breeders to join a club and redeem "Weight Circles" on the bottom of Purina bags for rewards (free food, etc), but this courtesy is not extended to animal shelters.  The shelter I work at feeds Purina foods to all of our animals.  We use several different formulas from Dog Chow to the Vet Diets, and we ask for donations of their food frequently through social media.

I am asking Purina to start a program that allows animal shelters to redeem "Weight Circles" for free food.  This is not about breeders vs. shelters or any other arguement, so I don't want my intentions twisted.  I simply believe and I think many people agree that shelters to be allowed to utilize the reward system the same way breeders can.  

Purina, please help shelters everywhere keep their animals well fed and happy while awaiting their forever homes.

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