Remove the little Yorkie from the house of misery

  • van: li L
  • ontvanger: Wanaque Animal Control

Please help the little Yorkie that has been living in the garage 24/7. Completely isolated from humans with temperatures ranging from 107 degrees in the summer to 10 degrees in the winter with no heat nor air conditioning only with a 3 inch cracked door that goes from the inside of the house to the garage. The family has been living in that house for almost a year and I have only seen the dog 4 times running out of the garage to the front of the house. Even in the Summer time I saw the kids playing outside without the dog she never leaves the garage.
Almost every Saturday a worker comes to work in the garage and he has kept the garage door open for 8 hours with the dog in the garage with no coat just a piece of rug on the floor. I have called the police three times the first time the officer talked to the woman for 2 minutes and left, he didn't even bother to look at the dog, the second and third time they saw the dog in the garage and told me that it looked ok. (I don't know what were they expecting to see a purple dog?) The officer told me as long as the dog has shelter it is ok to keep it in the garage. But New Jersey statutes and provides: No dog, domestic companion animal, or service animal may be exposed to "adverse environmental conditions" for more than 30 minutes conditions" means (1) when the ambient temperature is 32 degrees F or below, or (2) when the temperature is 90 degrees F or above. The officers are not following the law. I have been e-mailing Wanaque Animal control to investigate and remove the dog from the house. The animal control officer said she went to the house twice, but no one answered so she never went back.

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