Demand safer care in Nursing Facilities NOW!

    My 99 yr old mother, fell in a nursing facilitiy due to an aide not being monitored carefully and tried to bathe her by herself. The Policies state that two people need to assist with giving an elderly person a bath due to difficulties standing, staying in their bed too long and no exercise, being in a confused state. After my mother fell she died one month later. I realize she was much older now but the pain she had to suffer was too much for the family to see her decompensate so fast physically after the fall.

    When she fell she bruised her knees, cut her leg, and had a fracture. The leg became infected due to the staff not keeping the area clean. She had to call 911 herself to go to the emergency room. Once she left the hospital she was sent home with Hospice and lasted six days.

    Nursing facilities need to be monitoring their volunteers and young helping aides more closely. Elderly care needs to be more respected and receive better care. Procedures need to be established where the patient must be seen in the emergency room once an elderly person falls.
    Any other suggestions : resources and referrals are accepted.
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